A collaborative paper published in Toxics
Our team published a collaborative paper peer-reviewed journal Toxics with teams from Vietnam and Uzbekistan! Congratulations to Gerardo and all co-authors!
The work is done in collaboration with the groups from Hanoi University of Pharmacy and National University of Uzbekistan.
Citation: Diem-Tran, P.T.; Ho, T.-T.; Tuan, N.-V.; Bao, L.-Q.; Phuong, H.T.; Chau, T.T.G.; Minh, H.T.B.; Nguyen, C.-T.; Smanova, Z.; Casanola-Martin, G.M.; et al. Stability Constant and Potentiometric Sensitivity of Heavy Metal–Organic Fluorescent Compound Complexes: QSPR Models for Prediction and Design of Novel Coumarin-like Ligands. Toxics, 2023, 11, 595. DOI: 10.3390/toxics11070595