Rasulev Research Group

Welcome to the Computational Polymer Science and Cheminformatics Group

Our group published a collaborative paper in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering! Congratulations Kristen!

Our collaborative paper is accepted to publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (IF = 8.198)! Congratulations Kristen with your first publication!

The work is done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Andriy Voronov.

Citation: Patnode K., Demchuk Z., Johnson S.,  Voronov A., Rasulev B. Computational Protein-ligand Docking and Experimental Study of Bioplastic Films from Soybean Protein, Zein and Natural Modifiers, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2021, 9, 10740-10748, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c01202